When I first saw the original SMBZ I thought for sure you had reached the pinnicle of sprite animation. I was wrong.
You've repeatedly impressed me with each and every single episode you've made, I applaud you. Your battle scenes were beyond imaginative, your sprites are a good mix between home-made and actual sprites, and you've devised a great world here with them.
The only complaint I have about this episode is a few of the sounds, a lot of foreign sounds to characters were hilarious (9000?!?!), while other ones, such as luigi's scream seemed a little bit much. Also, during the fight scene, the second song seemed very dragged out and watered down, didn't fit the mood as much as I would have liked.
Nevertheless, I'm giving you 10s across the board, this is an incredible spectacle, and I hope you keep it up. I generally only come here to watch this series anymore, and anything bitey releases, which is rare. Please work quickly... *wink*